1.memcached 优点是,稳定,受外因素影响较小,安全性高。缺点是速度方面不如net缓存,序列化和传输产生的额外开销比较大
针对以上优缺点,决定使用二级缓存模式:客户端-》NET本地缓存-》memcached缓存-》数据库 (NET本地缓存默认5分钟失效,memcached缓存时间设置,一般30分钟以上,个人觉得最后把memcached缓
,我这对Memcached.ClientLibrary 进行了扩展
首先扩展定义了接口 ICacheManageConfig.cs
里面定义里个必须实现的方法 void Memcached_Restart(string LogMessage); 用来重建连接池
代码 public class CacheManageConfig : Memcached.ClientLibrary.ICacheManageConfig { private static Memcached.ClientLibrary.SockIOPool pool = null ; /// <summary> /// 实现接口方法,memcached客户端组件反射调用接口的实现方法 /// </summary> /// <param name="message"></param> public void Memcached_Restart( string message) { _Restart(message); } /// <summary> /// 初始化连接池 /// </summary> public static void Memcached_Init() { Memcached.ClientLibrary.MemcachedSocksMonitor.CacheManageConfigPath = " KM.Brand.DBLib.Cache.CacheManageConfig " ; // 每次初始化都用新的连接池名 Memcached.ClientLibrary.MemcachedSocksMonitor.CachePoolName = " pool " + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string memcachedserver = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[ " memcachedserver " ]; string [] serverlist = {memcachedserver}; pool = Memcached.ClientLibrary.SockIOPool.GetInstance(Memcached.ClientLibrary.MemcachedSocksMonitor.CachePoolName); pool.SetServers(serverlist); pool.InitConnections = 15 ; pool.MinConnections = 15 ; pool.MaxConnections = 200 ; pool.SocketTimeout = 3000 ; pool.SocketConnectTimeout = 1000 ; pool.MaintenanceSleep = 30 ; pool.Failover = true ; pool.Nagle = false ; // socket单次任务的最大时间,超过这个时间socket会被强行中断掉(当前任务失败) pool.MaxBusy = 1000 * 10 ; pool.Initialize(); // 由于有旧代码使用默认的程序池名字,所以同时初始化一个默认名字的连接池 pool = Memcached.ClientLibrary.SockIOPool.GetInstance(); pool.SetServers(serverlist); pool.InitConnections = 10 ; pool.MinConnections = 10 ; pool.MaxConnections = 50 ; pool.SocketTimeout = 3000 ; pool.SocketConnectTimeout = 1000 ; pool.MaintenanceSleep = 30 ; pool.Failover = true ; pool.Nagle = false ; // socket单次任务的最大时间,超过这个时间socket会被强行中断掉(当前任务失败) pool.MaxBusy = 1000 * 10 ; pool.Initialize(); } #region 连接池重建 /// <summary> /// 连接池重建 /// </summary> /// <param name="message"></param> private static void _Restart( string message) { if (pool != null ) { // 其实可以把缓存管理模块整合到这个项目一起的。哎! pool.Shutdown(Memcached.ClientLibrary.MemcachedSocksMonitor.CachePoolName); } // 重新初始化 Memcached_Init(); KM.Brand.DBLib.Cache.CacheManage.Dispose(message); } #endregion }
protected void Application_Start( object sender, EventArgs e) { // 初始化memcached连接池 KM.Brand.DBLib.Cache.CacheManageConfig.Memcached_Init();}
主要有新建立了个类,MemcachedSocksMonitor.cs 实现连接池基本操作
代码 public static class MemcachedSocksMonitor { private static string _CacheManageConfigPath; private static int _SocksMaxErrCount; private static string _CachePoolName; /// <summary> /// 连接池名字 /// </summary> public static string CachePoolName { get { return _CachePoolName; } set { _CachePoolName = value;} } /// <summary> /// 初始化一定要设置 /// 实现接口ICacheManageConfig的类完整命名空间路径(包含类名),重新建立缓存管理模块单件实例的方法实现名称 /// </summary> public static string CacheManageConfigPath { get { return _CacheManageConfigPath; } set { _CacheManageConfigPath = value; } } /// <summary> /// 执行重建的条件,该数字累加到20就重建连接池,并清零,次数累计保留1分钟 /// </summary> public static int SocksMaxErrCount { get { return _SocksMaxErrCount; } set { _SocksMaxErrCount = value; } } /// <summary> /// 重建连接池 /// </summary> public static void Restart() { // 识别需要重启,看日志错误 log.Error(GetLocalizedString("set IOException"), exception5); ICacheManageConfig CacheDispose = (ICacheManageConfig)Assembly.Load(CacheManageConfigPath).CreateInstance( " Memcached_Restart " ); // (ICacheManageConfig)Create(DisposeMonthodName); CacheDispose.Memcached_Restart( " memcached服务连接池传输数据失败,重新生成了连接池!\r\n 无法将数据写入传输连接: 远程主机强迫关闭了一个现有的连接!!一分钟内连续出错次数 " + SocksMaxErrCount); } /// <summary> /// 记录传输错误的失败次数,并决定是否要重建连接池 /// 这里用了本地缓存,一般情况下这缓存都是不存在的,该方法也很少会执行到 /// </summary> public static void SockIOErrRestatr() { // 执行一次就进行一次逻辑处理 string key = " MemcachedClientLibrarySockIOErrRestatr " ; object value = System.Web.HttpRuntime.Cache.Get(key); if (value != null ) { if (SocksMaxErrCount > 20 ) { // 执行重建memcached连接池 Restart(); SocksMaxErrCount = 0 ; } else { SocksMaxErrCount = SocksMaxErrCount + 1 ; } } else { SocksMaxErrCount = 1 ; System.Web.HttpRuntime.Cache.Add(key, 1 , null ,DateTime.Now.AddMinutes( 1 ), System.Web.Caching.Cache.NoSlidingExpiration, System.Web.Caching.CacheItemPriority.High, null ); } } }
5.SockIOPool.cs 修改Shutdown 函授,也忘记有没其他地方修改了
代码 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] public void Shutdown( string poolName) { bool isDebugEnabled = Log.IsDebugEnabled; if (( this ._maintenanceThread != null ) && this ._maintenanceThread.IsRunning) { this .StopMaintenanceThread(); } bool flag2 = Log.IsDebugEnabled; ClosePool( this ._availPool); ClosePool( this ._busyPool); this ._availPool = null ; this ._busyPool = null ; this ._buckets = null ; this ._hostDeadDuration = null ; this ._hostDead = null ; this ._initialized = false ; bool flag3 = Log.IsDebugEnabled; // 下面方法是增加的,当memcached重启后,导致当前连接池连接不上,执行停止命令后 // 移除失败的连接池,这样重新初始化就会重新建立sock连接池 if (poolName == "" ) { poolName = GetLocalizedString( " default instance " ); } Pools.Remove(GetLocalizedString(poolName)); }
6 MemcachedClient.cs修改,具体忘记改了哪些,全部复制上来好了
代码 namespace Memcached.ClientLibrary{ using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.GZip; using log4net; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Resources; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; public class MemcachedClient { private bool _compressEnable; private long _compressThreshold; private string _defaultEncoding; private string _poolName; private bool _primitiveAsString; // Memcached.ClientLibrary.StringMessages private static ResourceManager _resourceManager = new ResourceManager( " Memcached.ClientLibrary.StringMessages " , typeof (MemcachedClient).Assembly); private const string CLIENT_ERROR = " CLIENT_ERROR " ; private const int COMPRESS_THRESH = 0x7800 ; private const string DELETED = " DELETED " ; private const string END = " END " ; private const string ERROR = " ERROR " ; private const int F_COMPRESSED = 2 ; private const int F_SERIALIZED = 8 ; private static ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger( typeof (MemcachedClient)); private const string NOTFOUND = " NOT_FOUND " ; private const string NOTSTORED = " NOT_STORED " ; private const string OK = " OK " ; private const string SERVER_ERROR = " SERVER_ERROR " ; private const string STATS = " STAT " ; private const string STORED = " STORED " ; private const string VALUE = " VALUE " ; public MemcachedClient(): this ( " default instance " ) { } public MemcachedClient( string name) { if (name != "" ) { this .Init(name); } else { this .Init(); } } private void Init( string key) { this ._primitiveAsString = false ; this ._compressEnable = true ; this ._compressThreshold = 0x7800L ; this ._defaultEncoding = " UTF-8 " ; this ._poolName = GetLocalizedString(key); } public bool Add( string key, object value) { return this .Set( " add " , key, value, DateTime.MaxValue, null , this ._primitiveAsString); } public bool Add( string key, object value, DateTime expiry) { return this .Set( " add " , key, value, expiry, null , this ._primitiveAsString); } public bool Add( string key, object value, int hashCode) { return this .Set( " add " , key, value, DateTime.MaxValue, hashCode, this ._primitiveAsString); } public bool Add( string key, object value, DateTime expiry, int hashCode) { return this .Set( " add " , key, value, expiry, hashCode, this ._primitiveAsString); } public long Decrement( string key) { return this .IncrementOrDecrement( " decr " , key, 1L , null ); } public long Decrement( string key, long inc) { return this .IncrementOrDecrement( " decr " , key, inc, null ); } public long Decrement( string key, long inc, int hashCode) { return this .IncrementOrDecrement( " decr " , key, inc, hashCode); } public bool Delete( string key) { return this .Delete(key, null , DateTime.MaxValue); } public bool Delete( string key, DateTime expiry) { return this .Delete(key, null , expiry); } public bool Delete( string key, object hashCode, DateTime expiry) { if (key == null ) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.Error(GetLocalizedString( " null key delete " )); } return false ; } SockIO sock = SockIOPool.GetInstance( this ._poolName).GetSock(key, hashCode); if (sock != null ) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder( " delete " ).Append(key); if (expiry != DateTime.MaxValue) { builder.Append( " " + (GetExpirationTime(expiry) / 0x3e8 )); } builder.Append( " \r\n " ); try { sock.Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(builder.ToString())); sock.Flush(); string newValue = sock.ReadLine(); if ( " DELETED " == newValue) { bool isInfoEnabled = log.IsInfoEnabled; sock.Close(); sock = null ; return true ; } if ( " NOT_FOUND " == newValue) { if ( ! log.IsInfoEnabled) { } } else if (log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.Error(GetLocalizedString( " delete key error " ).Replace( " $$Key$$ " , key).Replace( " $$Line$$ " , newValue)); } } catch (IOException exception) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.Error(GetLocalizedString( " delete IOException " ), exception); } try { sock.TrueClose(); } catch (IOException exception2) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.Error(GetLocalizedString( " failed to close some socket " ).Replace( " $$Socket$$ " , sock.ToString()), exception2); } } sock = null ; } if (sock != null ) { sock.Close(); } } return false ; } public bool FlushAll() { return this .FlushAll( null ); } public bool FlushAll(ArrayList servers) { SockIOPool instance = SockIOPool.GetInstance( this ._poolName); if (instance == null ) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.Error(GetLocalizedString( " unable to get socket pool " )); } return false ; } if (servers == null ) { servers = instance.Servers; } if ((servers == null ) || (servers.Count <= 0 )) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.Error(GetLocalizedString( " flushall no servers " )); } return false ; } bool flag = true ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < servers.Count; i ++ ) { SockIO connection = instance.GetConnection(( string ) servers[i]); if (connection == null ) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.Error(GetLocalizedString( " unable to connect " ).Replace( " $$Server$$ " , servers[i].ToString())); } flag = false ; } else { string s = " flush_all\r\n " ; try { connection.Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s)); connection.Flush(); string str2 = connection.ReadLine(); flag = ( " OK " == str2) ? flag : false ; } catch (IOException exception) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.Error(GetLocalizedString( " flushall IOException " ), exception); } try { connection.TrueClose(); } catch (IOException exception2) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.Error(GetLocalizedString( " failed to close some socket " ).Replace( " $$Socket$$ " , connection.ToString()), exception2); } } flag = false ; connection = null ; } if (connection != null ) { connection.Close(); } } } return flag; } public object Get( string key) { return this .Get(key, null , false ); } public object Get( string key, int hashCode) { return this .Get(key, hashCode, false ); } public object Get( string key, object hashCode, bool asString) { SockIO sock = SockIOPool.GetInstance( this ._poolName).GetSock(key, hashCode); if (sock != null ) { try { string s = " get " + key + " \r\n " ; bool isDebugEnabled = log.IsDebugEnabled; sock.Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s)); sock.Flush(); Hashtable hm = new Hashtable(); this .LoadItems(sock, hm, asString); bool flag2 = log.IsDebugEnabled; sock.Close(); return hm[key]; } catch (IOException exception) { // ##监测## // exception.Message=无法将数据写入传输连接: 远程主机强迫关闭了一个现有的连接。。 // 原因:memcached重启类造成的连接池无法再通信的错误 // 解决:判断上面的message出现次数几次,就考虑重新建立连接池 if (exception.Message.Contains( " 无法将数据写入传输连接: 远程主机强迫关闭了一个现有的连接 " )) { MemcachedSocksMonitor.SockIOErrRestatr(); } if (log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.Error(GetLocalizedString( " get IOException " ).Replace( " $$Key$$ " , key), exception); } try { sock.TrueClose(); } catch (IOException exception2) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.Error(GetLocalizedString( " failed to close some socket " ).Replace( " $$Socket$$ " , sock.ToString()), exception2); } } sock = null ; } if (sock != null ) { sock.Close(); } } return null ; } public long GetCounter( string key) { return this .GetCounter(key, null ); } public long GetCounter( string key, object hashCode) { if (key == null ) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.Error(GetLocalizedString( " getcounter null key " )); } return - 1L ; } long num = - 1L ; try { num = long .Parse(( string ) this .Get(key, hashCode, true ), new NumberFormatInfo()); } catch (ArgumentException) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.Error(GetLocalizedString( " getcounter counter not found " ).Replace( " $$Key$$ " , key)); } } return num; } private static int GetExpirationTime(DateTime expiration) { if (expiration <= DateTime.Now) { return 0 ; } TimeSpan span = new TimeSpan( 0x1d , 0x17 , 0x3b , 0x3b ); if (expiration.Subtract(DateTime.Now) > span) { return ( int ) span.TotalSeconds; } return ( int ) expiration.Subtract(DateTime.Now).TotalSeconds; } private static string GetLocalizedString( string key) { if (key != " default instance " ) { return key; } else { return _resourceManager.GetString(key); } } public Hashtable GetMultiple( string [] keys) { return this .GetMultiple(keys, null , false ); } public Hashtable GetMultiple( string [] keys, int [] hashCodes) { return this .GetMultiple(keys, hashCodes, false ); } public Hashtable GetMultiple( string [] keys, int [] hashCodes, bool asString) { if (keys == null ) { return new Hashtable(); } Hashtable hashtable = new Hashtable(); for ( int i = 0 ; i < keys.Length; i ++ ) { object hashCode = null ; if ((hashCodes != null ) && (hashCodes.Length > i)) { hashCode = hashCodes[i]; } SockIO sock = SockIOPool.GetInstance( this ._poolName).GetSock(keys[i], hashCode); if (sock != null ) { if ( ! hashtable.ContainsKey(sock.Host)) { hashtable[sock.Host] = new StringBuilder(); } ((StringBuilder) hashtable[sock.Host]).Append( " " + keys[i]); sock.Close(); } } bool isInfoEnabled = log.IsInfoEnabled; Hashtable hm = new Hashtable(); ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); foreach ( string str in hashtable.Keys) { SockIO connection = SockIOPool.GetInstance( this ._poolName).GetConnection(str); try { string s = " get " + ((StringBuilder) hashtable[str]) + " \r\n " ; bool flag2 = log.IsDebugEnabled; connection.Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s)); connection.Flush(); this .LoadItems(connection, hm, asString); } catch (IOException exception) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.Error(GetLocalizedString( " getmultiple IOException " ), exception); } list.Add(str); try { connection.TrueClose(); } catch (IOException exception2) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.Error(GetLocalizedString( " failed to close some socket " ).Replace( " $$Socket$$ " , connection.ToString()), exception2); } } connection = null ; } if (connection != null ) { connection.Close(); } } foreach ( string str3 in list) { hashtable.Remove(str3); } bool isDebugEnabled = log.IsDebugEnabled; return hm; } public object [] GetMultipleArray( string [] keys) { return this .GetMultipleArray(keys, null , false ); } public object [] GetMultipleArray( string [] keys, int [] hashCodes) { return this .GetMultipleArray(keys, hashCodes, false ); } public object [] GetMultipleArray( string [] keys, int [] hashCodes, bool asString) { if (keys == null ) { return new object [ 0 ]; } Hashtable hashtable = this .GetMultiple(keys, hashCodes, asString); object [] objArray = new object [keys.Length]; for ( int i = 0 ; i < keys.Length; i ++ ) { objArray[i] = hashtable[keys[i]]; } return objArray; } public long Increment( string key) { return this .IncrementOrDecrement( " incr " , key, 1L , null ); } public long Increment( string key, long inc) { return this .IncrementOrDecrement( " incr " , key, inc, null ); } public long Increment( string key, long inc, int hashCode) { return this .IncrementOrDecrement( " incr " , key, inc, hashCode); } private long IncrementOrDecrement( string cmdname, string key, long inc, object hashCode) { SockIO sock = SockIOPool.GetInstance( this ._poolName).GetSock(key, hashCode); if (sock != null ) { try { string s = string .Concat( new object [] { cmdname, " " , key, " " , inc, " \r\n " }); bool isDebugEnabled = log.IsDebugEnabled; sock.Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s)); sock.Flush(); string input = sock.ReadLine(); if ( new Regex( @" \d+ " ).Match(input).Success) { sock.Close(); return long .Parse(input, new NumberFormatInfo()); } if ( " NOT_FOUND " == input) { if ( ! log.IsInfoEnabled) { } } else if (log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.Error(GetLocalizedString( " incr-decr key error " ).Replace( " $$Key$$ " , key)); } } catch (IOException exception) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.Error(GetLocalizedString( " incr-decr IOException " ), exception); } try { sock.TrueClose(); } catch (IOException) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.Error(GetLocalizedString( " failed to close some socket " ).Replace( " $$Socket$$ " , sock.ToString())); } } sock = null ; } if (sock != null ) { sock.Close(); } } return - 1L ; } private void Init() { this ._primitiveAsString = false ; this ._compressEnable = true ; this ._compressThreshold = 0x7800L ; this ._defaultEncoding = " UTF-8 " ; this ._poolName = GetLocalizedString( " default instance " ); } public bool KeyExists( string key) { return ( this .Get(key, null , true ) != null ); } private void LoadItems(SockIO sock, Hashtable hm, bool asString) { string str; object obj2; Label_0000: str = sock.ReadLine(); bool isDebugEnabled = log.IsDebugEnabled; if ( ! str.StartsWith( " VALUE " )) { if ( " END " == str) { if (log.IsDebugEnabled) { } return ; } goto Label_0000; } string [] strArray = str.Split( new char [] { ' ' }); string newValue = strArray[ 1 ]; int num = int .Parse(strArray[ 2 ], new NumberFormatInfo()); int num2 = int .Parse(strArray[ 3 ], new NumberFormatInfo()); bool flag2 = log.IsDebugEnabled; byte [] bytes = new byte [num2]; sock.Read(bytes); sock.ClearEndOfLine(); if ((num & 2 ) != 0 ) { try { int num3; GZipInputStream stream = new GZipInputStream( new MemoryStream(bytes)); MemoryStream stream2 = new MemoryStream(bytes.Length); byte [] buffer = new byte [ 0x800 ]; while ((num3 = stream.Read(buffer, 0 , buffer.Length)) > 0 ) { stream2.Write(buffer, 0 , num3); } bytes = stream2.ToArray(); stream.Close(); } catch (IOException exception) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.Error(GetLocalizedString( " loaditems uncompression IOException " ).Replace( " $$Key$$ " , newValue), exception); } throw new IOException(GetLocalizedString( " loaditems uncompression IOException " ).Replace( " $$Key$$ " , newValue), exception); } } if ((num & 8 ) == 0 ) { if ( this ._primitiveAsString || asString) { bool isInfoEnabled = log.IsInfoEnabled; obj2 = Encoding.GetEncoding( this ._defaultEncoding).GetString(bytes); goto Label_022A; } try { obj2 = NativeHandler.Decode(bytes); goto Label_022A; } catch (Exception exception2) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.Error(GetLocalizedString( " loaditems deserialize error " ).Replace( " $$Key$$ " , newValue), exception2); } throw new IOException(GetLocalizedString( " loaditems deserialize error " ).Replace( " $$Key$$ " , newValue), exception2); } } try { MemoryStream serializationStream = new MemoryStream(bytes); obj2 = new BinaryFormatter().Deserialize(serializationStream); bool flag4 = log.IsInfoEnabled; } catch (SerializationException exception3) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.Error(GetLocalizedString( " loaditems SerializationException " ).Replace( " $$Key$$ " , newValue), exception3); } throw new IOException(GetLocalizedString( " loaditems SerializationException " ).Replace( " $$Key$$ " , newValue), exception3); } Label_022A: hm[newValue] = obj2; goto Label_0000; } public bool Replace( string key, object value) { return this .Set( " replace " , key, value, DateTime.MaxValue, null , this ._primitiveAsString); } public bool Replace( string key, object value, DateTime expiry) { return this .Set( " replace " , key, value, expiry, null , this ._primitiveAsString); } public bool Replace( string key, object value, int hashCode) { return this .Set( " replace " , key, value, DateTime.MaxValue, hashCode, this ._primitiveAsString); } public bool Replace( string key, object value, DateTime expiry, int hashCode) { return this .Set( " replace " , key, value, expiry, hashCode, this ._primitiveAsString); } public bool Set( string key, object value) { return this .Set( " set " , key, value, DateTime.MaxValue, null , this ._primitiveAsString); } public bool Set( string key, object value, DateTime expiry) { return this .Set( " set " , key, value, expiry, null , this ._primitiveAsString); } public bool Set( string key, object value, int hashCode) { return this .Set( " set " , key, value, DateTime.MaxValue, hashCode, this ._primitiveAsString); } public bool Set( string key, object value, DateTime expiry, int hashCode) { return this .Set( " set " , key, value, expiry, hashCode, this ._primitiveAsString); } private bool Set( string cmdname, string key, object obj, DateTime expiry, object hashCode, bool asString) { byte [] bytes; if (expiry < DateTime.Now) { return true ; } if (((cmdname == null ) || (cmdname.Trim().Length == 0 )) || ((key == null ) || (key.Length == 0 ))) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.Error(GetLocalizedString( " set key null " )); } return false ; } SockIO sock = SockIOPool.GetInstance( this ._poolName).GetSock(key, hashCode); if (sock == null ) { return false ; } if (expiry == DateTime.MaxValue) { expiry = new DateTime( 0L ); } int num = 0 ; int count = 0 ; if (NativeHandler.IsHandled(obj)) { if (asString) { if (obj != null ) { bool flag1 = log.IsInfoEnabled; try { bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(obj.ToString()); count = bytes.Length; goto Label_01DF; } catch (ArgumentException exception) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.Error(GetLocalizedString( " set invalid encoding " ).Replace( " $$Encoding$$ " , this ._defaultEncoding), exception); } sock.Close(); sock = null ; return false ; } } bytes = new byte [ 0 ]; count = 0 ; goto Label_01DF; } bool isInfoEnabled = log.IsInfoEnabled; try { bytes = NativeHandler.Encode(obj); count = bytes.Length; goto Label_01DF; } catch (ArgumentException exception2) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.Error(GetLocalizedString( " set failed to native handle object " ), exception2); } sock.Close(); sock = null ; return false ; } } if (obj != null ) { bool flag3 = log.IsInfoEnabled; try { MemoryStream serializationStream = new MemoryStream(); new BinaryFormatter().Serialize(serializationStream, obj); bytes = serializationStream.GetBuffer(); count = ( int ) serializationStream.Length; num |= 8 ; goto Label_01DF; } catch (IOException exception3) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.Error(GetLocalizedString( " set failed to serialize " ).Replace( " $$Object$$ " , obj.ToString()), exception3); } sock.Close(); sock = null ; return false ; } } bytes = new byte [ 0 ]; count = 0 ; Label_01DF: if ( this ._compressEnable && (count > this ._compressThreshold)) { bool flag4 = log.IsInfoEnabled; try { MemoryStream baseOutputStream = new MemoryStream(); GZipOutputStream stream3 = new GZipOutputStream(baseOutputStream); stream3.Write(bytes, 0 , count); stream3.Finish(); bytes = baseOutputStream.GetBuffer(); count = ( int ) baseOutputStream.Length; num |= 2 ; bool flag5 = log.IsInfoEnabled; } catch (IOException exception4) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.Error(GetLocalizedString( " set compression failure " ), exception4); } } } try { string s = string .Concat( new object [] { cmdname, " " , key, " " , num, " " , GetExpirationTime(expiry), " " , count, " \r\n " }); sock.Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s)); sock.Write(bytes, 0 , count); sock.Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes( " \r\n " )); sock.Flush(); string newValue = sock.ReadLine(); bool flag6 = log.IsInfoEnabled; if ( " STORED " == newValue) { bool flag7 = log.IsInfoEnabled; sock.Close(); sock = null ; return true ; } if ( " NOT_STORED " == newValue) { if ( ! log.IsInfoEnabled) { } } else if (log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.Error(GetLocalizedString( " set error " ).Replace( " $$Key$$ " , key).Replace( " $$Size$$ " , count.ToString( new NumberFormatInfo())).Replace( " $$Line$$ " , newValue)); } } catch (IOException exception5) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.Error(GetLocalizedString( " set IOException " ), exception5); } // ##监测## // exception.Message=无法将数据写入传输连接: 远程主机强迫关闭了一个现有的连接。。 // 原因:memcached重启类造成的连接池无法再通信的错误 // 解决:判断上面的message出现次数几次,就考虑重新建立连接池 if (exception5.Message.Contains( " 无法将数据写入传输连接: 远程主机强迫关闭了一个现有的连接 " )) { MemcachedSocksMonitor.SockIOErrRestatr(); } try { sock.TrueClose(); } catch (IOException exception6) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.Error(GetLocalizedString( " failed to close some socket " ).Replace( " $$Socket$$ " , sock.ToString()), exception6); } } sock = null ; } if (sock != null ) { sock.Close(); } return false ; } public Hashtable Stats() { return this .Stats( null ); } public Hashtable Stats(ArrayList servers) { SockIOPool instance = SockIOPool.GetInstance( this ._poolName); if (instance == null ) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.Error(GetLocalizedString( " unable to get socket pool " )); } return null ; } if (servers == null ) { servers = instance.Servers; } if ((servers == null ) || (servers.Count <= 0 )) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.Error(GetLocalizedString( " stats no servers " )); } return null ; } Hashtable hashtable = new Hashtable(); for ( int i = 0 ; i < servers.Count; i ++ ) { SockIO connection = instance.GetConnection(( string ) servers[i]); if (connection == null ) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.Error(GetLocalizedString( " unable to connect " ).Replace( " $$Server$$ " , servers[i].ToString())); } continue ; } string s = " stats\r\n " ; try { connection.Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s)); connection.Flush(); Hashtable hashtable2 = new Hashtable(); while ( true ) { string str2 = connection.ReadLine(); bool isDebugEnabled = log.IsDebugEnabled; if (str2.StartsWith( " STAT " )) { string [] strArray = str2.Split( new char [] { ' ' }); string str3 = strArray[ 1 ]; string str4 = strArray[ 2 ]; bool flag2 = log.IsDebugEnabled; hashtable2[str3] = str4; } else if ( " END " == str2) { if ( ! log.IsDebugEnabled) { } goto Label_01E4; } hashtable[servers[i]] = hashtable2; } } catch (IOException exception) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.Error(GetLocalizedString( " stats IOException " ), exception); } try { connection.TrueClose(); } catch (IOException) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.Error(GetLocalizedString( " failed to close some socket " ).Replace( " $$Socket$$ " , connection.ToString())); } } connection = null ; } Label_01E4: if (connection != null ) { connection.Close(); } } return hashtable; } public bool StoreCounter( string key, long counter) { return this .Set( " set " , key, counter, DateTime.MaxValue, null , true ); } public bool StoreCounter( string key, long counter, int hashCode) { return this .Set( " set " , key, counter, DateTime.MaxValue, hashCode, true ); } public long CompressionThreshold { get { return this ._compressThreshold; } set { this ._compressThreshold = value; } } public string DefaultEncoding { get { return this ._defaultEncoding; } set { this ._defaultEncoding = value; } } public bool EnableCompression { get { return this ._compressEnable; } set { this ._compressEnable = value; } } public string PoolName { get { return this ._poolName; } set { this ._poolName = value; } } public bool PrimitiveAsString { get { return this ._primitiveAsString; } set { this ._primitiveAsString = value; } } }}